When and Why Do We Need a Procedure for a Root Canal?
Understanding the Procedure for Root Canal Have a toothache, or is there any inflammation? Any discomfort with your teeth should not be ignored, and it is essential to contact your nearest dental clinic as soon as possible. Root canal treatment is required when x-rays of the tooth show that the pulp is damaged by bacterial infection. This can spread if not treated earlier and can cause immense pain while eating, drinking, and chewing, and you can even lose a tooth. The procedure of a root canal saves the tooth from further damage and eliminates any other complications that may result from the infected area. The process is done in multiple visits involving the removal of the bacteria from the root canal system or tooth extraction. You will need local anesthesia, which will make the procedure painless. With an effective root canal treatment, the tooth can survive for up to 10 years after the process. Benefits After You Get the Procedure for a Root Canal ...